School Aims



Where everyone is inspired to be the best they can be.

Welcome to Forgue School

We will provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges and motivates all pupils.

We will provide a range of learning experiences in a fun and innovative environment to enable each pupil to reach his/her full potential.

We will help our pupils to gain confidence in a safe and caring environment and enable them to develop independence, life skills and knowledge of how to achieve success.

We will ensure our pupils develop respect, knowledge and understanding of their world to help them make informed life choices and decisions.

We will ensure our pupils can communicate effectively in many different situations.

We will help them to develop critical thinking and team skills in many contexts.

We will work in partnership with parents and the wider community to enable our pupils to become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens.


Positive Behaviour Management

Positive Behaviour Management is a vital component in helping Forgue School to achieve its aims and values. Our Positive Behaviour Management Policy also provides our pupils with the boundaries and rules that they need in order to fulfil their potential and contribute to the wellbeing of others. Discipline is essential to good learning situations. The general aim of the school is to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility. Pupils, parents and teachers all have an important part to play in achieving this atmosphere. The rules of the school are of a common sense nature, bearing in mind the interest and safety of all concerned.

Golden Rules (School Rules)

We aim to provide a safe and pleasant environment for all the community, where individuals are treated with respect and consideration. To make this possible pupils are asked to obey the following rules:

1. We are gentle. We don’t hurt others.
2. We are kind and helpful. We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.
3. We listen. We don’t interrupt.
4. We are honest. We don’t cover up the truth.
5. We work hard. We don’t waste our own or others’ time.
6. We look after property. We don’t waste or damage things.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

We take a positive approach to promoting responsible behaviour. We recognise and praise good behaviour, effort and application through the use of certificates, stickers, public display etc. Certificates are presented to individual children for effort and special achievements at assemblies. Evidence of this good work is displayed on our achievement board in the dining hall for all to see.